Monday, August 24, 2009

The last sayonara, baby

This is a strange day for los Pilgrims. The most part of the group leaves Japan tomorrow.

In Tokyo we received two new Pilgrims: Mike (Riz`s brother) and Clay (Riz`s husband).
So, we are now happily united to Kueneke`s family representatives. We also had the great company of Yoshi and Shimo.

Is a strange thing to keep the jackpot (Tokyo, the big city) for the last days of the trip.
It makes you live the big city different than if it was the first impression that you have from a country.
I mean, when we arrived to Tokyo, we were not impressed by being surrounded of Japanese people, neither by their ways and manners, their food, their timetables, their way to talk and to laugh. We were not impressed by talking with gestures, neither by seeing only ink doodles where they can see words. We had almost experiment (a little, you know, in a month margin) the umbrellas rotation, their generous dedication to foreigners, their sensibility for craftwork and their flamboyant entertainments.

We are happy to feel this city with all it`s japanese characteristics, like if it was winking an eye to us remembering the times we passed In Osaka, Kyoto, Okayama, Shikoku, Nagoya and now this final Tokyo.

Here, people continues to get the car out of the garage to accompany you when you get lost, people continues asking you where are you from, they help you even you don`t ask anything and they are still genuine japanese even if their image approaches them more to occidental ways.

These days, we have been "karaoking", sushi "breakfasting", kabuki ( watching and doing a big shopping and living marathon in this amazing metropolis.
Today, we will say our last Kampais with some birus, we will try to improve our pronunciation of the Japanese words we know and we will full our bodies with sushi and noodles.

And, of course, we will put the foot that is still here with the other that is now almost at home!

see you soon estimados!

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