I`m happy to introduce you the new pilgrim personalities:
The pilgrims are now seeing fall their stay in Kyoto。
We have been giving war here during 4 days in this beautiful city, after the first 4 days in the coastal Osaka.
In Osaka we had the first contact with gothic lolitas, we established our maximum meal price for 500 yens (more or less 4 euros - we are succeeding almost all the days!), we started our ultra-carbohydrates diet with almost all of sushi and noodles, we improved some Karaoke festival and we had a fantastic meal at Ikuko, Yoshimura and Naotaka`s house, some Karurota`s friend.
In Kyoto we have been beering (from beer, you know) in the riverside, we have been doing some maniac persecution of imaginarian geishas, and we have been bicing during two ENTIRE days around places like this
Looking for some temples (yes, we know Shikoku`s sacred way is almost about temples also, but...).
We can affirm that we are prepared and purified for the sacred way in Shikoku.
Today we are going to spend a night in Okayama, in Craudia`s friend Asami, who has a special surprise prepared for os for the next morning. UUUhhhh!
We are not scared, we are prepared for almost everything after being impacted of the japanese particularities.
After one week in wild side of Japan, here are our first impressions, our dialy images:
A street
The two typical toilets (the one on the right has a little mecanism which sprays water into your ass - BE CAREFULL it may contain some caca)
People always accompany you to the place you ask for (cuando preguntas donde esta un sitio cierran la tienda y te acompanyan!)
Inside train view
Our daily meals for 500 yens
(4 euros)
Here, people is obsessed by not getting their skin dark, so they are dressing umbrellas, large gloves and long pants in this crazy 40 degrees!
our windows to japanese reality...
More photos: http://picasaweb.google.com/lotaoto/LosPilgrimsInJapanOsakaKyoto#
We hope you are having a fantastic start of summer, and also to hear from you. Love!
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